me! (I believe you are here already??)
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Searchengine (out of order)

Hello and welcome to my world

Hello my name is Dennis and I'm currently employed as a Technical Specialist for Iomega. I'm engaged to a wonderful woman called Stina, and she is also working in computers (beautiful and brains, ain't I the lucky bastard!) for a company called Sykes in Sweden. Honey, you mean everything to me!

I always hate writing stuff about myself, especially when it has the potential that the entire world can read it. :o) well, whatever..... Here goes:

I've lived in holland most of my life, and at the age of 19 I had enough and decided to travel around the world with a good friend of mine The countries that we turned into biohazards are: "Thailand, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Tongatapu, Western Samoa, Hawaii, mainland America, Canada, and of course most of Europe.
Of course this little trip taught me a lot. You really get to know yourself and almost everybody else. I advise everybody to try it, and for those of you that think I'm a millionaire, I'm not! You should be able to get the tickets for a trip like this for about US$2000,-

After my trip around the world I chilled in holland for a bit and a good mate of mine who goes by the name of AxE taught me a bit about PC's. At that point I was hooked and decided that that was what I wanted to do with my life. I started studying like a man possessed and the great people at PerfectView offered me a job. I started working at their internal helpdesk and within two months we managed to make the external one obsolete. I owe a lot to the people at PerfectView and I'm very proud to say that I was part of their team.

Well, however nice it was, I still didn't feel like I was where I belonged. I decided to become a bartender in Tignes Les Brevieres for a hotel called: "Les Genepies" 1. I hope I spelled it right, and 2. I wasn't able to find their url. Tony, if you are reading this, please mail me the address so I can link my page up to yours. Les Genepies is a very gezzelig (sorry no word for that in english, but it means something like cozy) hotel and it has a nice location. Even though for me and my fiancee (this is where I've met her) it wasn't always sunshine, I've got to say that I think back with pleasure to the period we had there.

As you all know by know (if haven't bored you to death by now) my fiancee is Swedish and I'm Dutch. We lived in Sweden for a bit, but because at that time I didn't speak any Swedish yet and my girl didn't speak any Dutch. We decided to move to Ireland where I am writing this now.

I haven't stated my full name and address (I need to have this false sense of anonymity), but the people who know me will most probably recognize me from this version of "My life in a nutshell" By anonymous :p.


Thanks for listening,


RunningDog Industries